Monday, August 23, 2010

Under the Thatch

Well, we put "boots to the ground" tonight with inviting people to services this Sunday. We visited several homes, handed out NT's with tracks and invitations. The only people that didn't really give us the time of day was a retired American couple. We plan on doing this every evening this week. The Community Center needs a good cleaning so that will be our goal later this week.
Last night we had a storm come through from 10:00 pm to around 11:30 pm. During that time we received around 7 inches of rain. You can imagine how hot and muggy it was today.
Blair woke up with an upset stomache but seems to be better tonight.
So ends another exciting day in Cattle Landing, Belize

1 comment:

  1. Praying that many souls are reached for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
