Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Under the Tatch

Well, thank the Lord we missed another hurricane. Richard made land fall about 5:00 pm Sunday, October 24. It hit about 2 hours north of us. We received no rain or wind but at 5:00pm the power went off and stayed off for about 24 hours. Thank you churches for the funds to have a generator. We were able to save our food and turn a fan on every few hours.
We decided to cool off on Monday by going to the Rio Grand (no immigration was not waiting on us) several miles up the road. This is always a interesting experience. There were people cooling off as well but some were washing their clothes, and bathing. It is a big, FAST flowing river so I had no worries.
On Tuesday the family and Beverly Barnett made a trip to Spanish Lookout. It is a Mennonite community 3 1/2 hours north, that is the cat's meow. It has a grocery store and several modern hardware stores. To fully understand why we love Spanish Lookout consider this, Belize is the typical 3rd world country, especially where we live, meaning 20-30 years behind the USA. Spanish Lookout is yesterday. The luxuries of the States are not there but the supplies needed to live here are available and cheaper than PG.
Good News church is doing well. We still have many children in our services and are praying for more adults. There are many religions in Belize and the attitude in this country is " We all serve the same God" and "I believe the Bible and can worship with anyone." Yet, when we preach from the Bible and show them the scriptures, or when they find out what true Baptist believe (Grace by faith in Jesus alone, eternal security, local church, sin is bad, etc) we don't hear from them anymore.
I have never understood that, if it doesn't matter what you believe than why don't they believe what true Baptist believe about the Bible?
Many wonder how we conduct services and go about teaching them.
A typical service goes like this:
Sunday School start at 9:00 am, being Belize we get started around 9:20. Being mostly children and a few ladies, Anita teaches everyone,
Kids song
Memory Verse
Kids song
Go over New Memory Verse
Kids Song
Books of the Bible (she is teaching them)
Bible Story review (She started in Genesis and is going through the Bible, she asks review questions from every story since our first service)
New Bible Story
Bible Drills (this is where I come in)
Worship Services
Special by some of the children
"Outstanding" Preaching
Invitation and closing prayer
Afternoon Service
4:00 We have song practice. They are learning new songs and then we sing them next week
4:30 Bible Study Anita takes the children and reviews the morning lesson and work on hand bells.
I take the older teens and adults and teach a Bible Survey lesson.
Our aim is to instill to them several things:
The authority of God's Word
Starting from Genesis, show them how the Bible flows and applies to us today.
How to rightly divide the Bible, what each book means and how to study for themselves.
Also to teach them that they are a church. I give them advice on how and what to do and why but I leave the decision up to them. As a church they must trust in God not the missionary and American churches to sustain them and pay for the future Pastor.
It is a long process but it will be worth in the end.
That's all for now
PS. Sorry for any mistakes, Anita didn't proofread this

Monday, October 4, 2010

Under da Tatch

It's been a while since I gave an update on the comings and goings of life in southern Belize. So here goes...
We have enjoyed cooler temptures the last couple of weeks. Of course by cooler I mean mid 80's to low 90's. But we take what we can get. The mornings have been really nice.
Good News Baptist is doing well. We continue to have new faces each week, yet few repeaters. The church truck, actually it's my truck with Blair and I going all over town, runs on Sunday mornings. We are thankful for the children that attend but please pray for more adults. Kids are great but it's hard to build a work on children.
We have started Sunday evening services. We meet at 4:00 with Anita teaching songs. I lead singing on Sunday mornings simply because I have a big mouth and sound like Elvis but know nothing about music.
Then at 4:30 I take the adults and teens and split off for class while Anita teaches the children.
We are finally getting a sign made so maybe this will attract more people.
Each month we must get our passport renewed for 100.00us. Last friday we took a trip to Guatamala for the day. This was a big thing for us because we got to eat at a McDonalds!!!!!!!!
In states I hated that place but Friday it was pretty good and we got our passport stamped.
Thanks for everything